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Making it work

 It's been a while, hasn't it? It's been a very stressful few weeks! First my birthday, which was not stressful, but rather busy. I made a complex dessert and a curry. I had a couple friends over for dinner, games, and cocktails. It was amazing. One got me some really nice Irish yarn!

Birthday cake, knife included

A little drunk chilling on the couch

Then at the last minute the Guatemalan government decided we could teach in person when the city was on Red, which it couldn't do before. We found out at 5:00pm the night before (and the day after my birthday 😭). I adapted and managed to get to work with only a little annoyance. But on Tuesday, after being back only two days, I was forced to quarantine because two of my students tested positive. Then a parent did. Then another parent. So, a week of stress over if I was infected, because I HAD been exposed...We came back Wednesday, with parents of COVID positive children angry they had to wait a week, because of quarantine regulations. On Thursday we sent two students home with fevers, who thank god were COVID negative. On Friday I got my booster shot, which made my arm feel like it needed to be amputated yesterday and then sleep for days.

Throughout all this, I've been working on a beautiful sweater from a 1940's pattern. I loved the design, but instead of sticking with true 40's colors, I went for a 70's theme. I'm really happy with the color result! Admittedly I ran out of one of the colors, so I had to finish in an approximate match. I don't mind. I rather like designs that have confusing color schemes. I am almost finished, just 1.5 sleeves to go and a seaming. Finished project to come VERY soon!

Back of the sweater


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